Drew Schnurr Curricula

music c176: sonic arts 1

Electronic Music Composition (MUSIC c176)
UCLA - Herb Alpert School of Music
Thursdays, 3PM-6PM

Instructor: Drew Schnurr
drew (at) schnurr (dot) com

Sonic Arts 1: Sound Composition and Production

This class constitutes an introduction to sound composition and studio production, engaging techniques facilitating composition with digital sound media. Concepts relating to physical sound, recording, electronic synthesis, and MIDI programming protocols are explored within the context of studio production using current digital audio workstation software. Composition workflows in Logic, Cubase, and ProTools are introduced and used by students who learn by doing, producing a series of sound compositions throughout the quarter.

Office Hours:
Monday, 2:00-3:00pm
or by appointment

Workload: Three weekly class hours plus 3-5 study hours per week.

You will be graded on the following terms:
1. three composition projects
2. three unannounced quizzes (your lowest grade will be dropped form these three)
3. class participation

Composition Projects:
You will be required to produce and submit 3 original sound compositions. The projects will require conceptualization, live field recording, digital audio synthesis, mixing, mastering, and digital delivery.

There will be three unannounced pop quizzes given at various class meetings through out the term. These will be based on lectures, labs, and reading assignments from previous weeks. No make-up quizzes will be given for any reason; however your lowest quiz grade will be dropped.

Class Policies

By taking this class you signal your awareness and acceptance of the following rules:
1. Projects will not be accepted late for any reason barring verifiable catastrophe.
2. Quizzes cannot be made up for any reason. Your lowest quiz grade will be dropped.
3. Laptops, phones, tablets, may be used in class for class related activities only.

The UCLA Academic Integrity Code applies to all portions of this course and will be enforced. (http://www.deanofstudents.ucla.edu/studentconduct.htm).

Grading is as follows:
Projects: 60%
3 Quizzes: 20%
Class/Lab Participation: 20%

90-100% = A
80-89% = B
70-79% = C
65-69% = D
below 65 = F

Plus and minuses are as follows: B+ means 87 through 89; A- means 90 through 93.


"Electron Dance"
Electronic Music: Historical developments? Motivation? Physics? Technology? Composition? Music?

Sound: What is it? How is it created? How does it travel? What properties does it share with light? What is frequency? What is dynamic range?

John Pierce, "Sound Waves and Sine Waves," Music Cognition, and Computerized Sound: An Introduction to Psychoacoustics (page 37-50, 56).

"The White Album"
White Noise: What is it? What properties does it share with white light? How does frequency define pitch? What is doppler effect? What are frequency bandwidth ranges?

John Pierce, "Introduction to Pitch and Perception ," Music Cognition, and Computerized Sound: An Introduction to Psychoacoustics (page 57-69).

Max Mathiews, "What is Loudness?" Music Cognition, and Computerized Sound: An Introduction to Psychoacoustics (page 71-78).

What is MIDI? What is communicated? What are the uses?

"Rcording Technology"
What is the difference between analog and digital recording? What are their respective characteristics?

"I Hear You"
Human Hearing: How does the ear work? How does frequency play a role in understanding speech? How does our hearing inform our perception of physical environment?

Max Mathiews, "The Ear and How It Works," Music Cognition, and Computerized Sound: An Introduction to Psychoacoustics (page 1-10).

John Pierce, "Hearing in Time and Space," Music Cognition, and Computerized Sound: An Introduction to Psychoacoustics (page 89-103).

How do microphones work? What are the different types?

How is sound quality effected by room size, shape, and construction materials?


Project 1 (due week 5)

2-3 minute sound score recording utilizing original live field recordings. Compositions must include written conceptual framework. Grading will be based on strength of concept, execution, and compositional aesthetics of composition.

Project 2 (due week 8)

2-3 minute sound score recording utilizing digital and/or electronic synthesis. Compositions must include written conceptual framework. Grading will be based on strength of concept, execution, and compositional aesthetics of composition.

Project 3 (due exam week)

3-5 minute sound score recording utilizing both original live recording and synthesis and . Compositions must include written conceptual framework. Grading will be based on strength of concept, execution, and compositional aesthetics of composition.


Sonic Memory (due week 2)

Describe in writing a sound memory and how it makes you feel.


Copyright © 2014, Drew Schnurr, all rights reserved.